You will learn:

*Remove codependency and get the satisfying relationship you desire!

*Find satisfaction or happiness in life outside of your primary relationship.

*Recognize unhealthy relationships and get the power to change. 

*Gain freedom from anxiety about your relationship.

*Understand how to validate your desires, wants, needs, and emotions.

*Make choices and decisions within a relationship that are good for you.

*Increase your own sense of worth and value independent of your relationships.

*Finally, Get the love you desire and need!

Plus 3 important bonuses'

  • Bonus #1: Understand What Healthy Relationships Look Like. 
  • Bonus #2: Learn How to Develop Healthy Boundaries.
  • Bonus #3: 7 Ways to Gain Power in Toxic Relationships.

Well, Hello! I’m Mari Plank!

Passionate Christian Life Coach here… helping women overcome insecurity, fear, shame and toxic relationships and live a life of joy, hope and freedom.


Why? I know firsthand how it seems you are in prison. Feeling trapped, no way out. The future is only a repeat what what you are experiencing now. I understand a life depleted and always running on empty. 


But God, through his infinite love can transform your heart, mind and soul. (And, I know from experience that healing is possible)

Example Curriculum

  Intro and Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step #1: What is codependency? “Know Your Tree Blueprint”
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step #2: What toxic thoughts are causing codependency?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step #3: Where did codependency come from?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step #4: God’s Word in, codependency out
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step #5: How do I recover from codependency?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3 Bonuses
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.